
New Application

KULeuven's new on-line application is up. The process requires you to sign-up for a guest account and then download the application in PDF format. It is actually a quite simple application, but not without flaw. The areas I have identified as unclear are:

  • Was all or part of your education in English?
    •  The application only lets you choose one option from secondary school, Bachelors, or Master. It does not explain what "secondary school" means (though a Wikipedia search suggests it is 7-12th grades), nor does it allow me to explain that my entire education, grades PK-12, was in English.
  •  Profesional Experience: Research and teaching experience / Non-academic professional experience
    •  I suspect this is where I can include my internship experience. However, it is not 100% clear. In my university, it was mandatory to complete 280 (?) hours of internship in an area directly related to my major. So, does this still qualify as non-academic?
  • Are you applying for a scholarship in order to attend this programme? Amount?
    • Does not specify if the information they want is the "Amount" in terms of monthly stipend, or the total value of the scholarship. Also, every time I close de PDF document and then open it again, the second entry I added to my scholarship options disappears. 
So, I'll be waiting for International Admissions to clear these questions up for me and then, I'll be ready to mail my application. I hope KUL processes the applications as they come in. I'll definitely get it in before December 15. Wouldn't a letter of acceptance be a nice Christmas present?